The Main Concepts of The Futures Contracts.

16/08/2022 /  SFVN
Definition Explanation
Future contracts An agreement between a buyer and a seller for a future transaction at a predetermined price.
Underlying asset Assets which are objects for dealing in the derivative contract.
Margin The amount of money that investor must deposit to be able to participate in derivatives trading, plays the role of ensuring the solvency of the two contracting parties.
Position Trading status and volume of derevatives an investor is holding at the specific time.
Close position Open an opposite position to an existing one having the same underlying assets and expiration date.
Closing price Price of a derivative contract that is determined by the Stock Exchange to to calculate gain/loss arising at the end of a day of each contract.
Final settlement price Price of the underlying asset that is determined by the Stock Echange and Clearing House on the last trading day of derevatives based on that asset to calculate gain/loss arising on the last trading day.
Contract multiplier Coefficient to convert the value of index future contract into amount of money.
Open volume Number of contracts of a type of Derivative Securities in existence at a time.

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